
From the ALDEA Foundation we express our indignation and rejection of the strong violence with which the social protest in Ecuador has been repressed.

The violence exerted this eighth day of national strike, is a sample of the multiple violence that Peoples and Nationalities face when mining and oil extractive projects are installed in their territories, without respecting their constitutional rights to Consent and Prior, Free and Informed Consultation .

These same violence are now manifested in the cities, trying to impose a package of measures that threatens the lives of the poorest and most excluded classes in the country. They are the same violence that explains, in part, how #Every3day a femicide occurs in Ecuador, under the complicit look of a patriarchal, racist and colonized state.

We demand respect for Human Rights, especially the collective and nature rights. Rights that are defended day by day in the #TerritoriesOfLife with whom we work.

We call on all Human Rights organizations in the world to report and denounce what is happening in Ecuador because only #WavingTies of solidarity and action can stop this #StateThatViolent.


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